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T.G.G. is all about how smart women everywhere are getting paid for their thoughts and ideas, so you can finally stop guessing about what’s working in the Thinking Economy (not just the information economy) and what’s not. 

I’m dissecting all the business models, trends, frameworks, strategies, and playbooks that are working right now in the online creator space.


(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

I want to help you bring your BIG idea(s) to the marketplace. We are in an economy that values ideas that are helpful, action-oriented, and creative.

Every two weeks in The Thinking Girl's Guide to Getting Paid to Think (TGG), you will see up close and personal how other people are building profitable businesses around simple ideas.

You'll see the business models they are using, the playbooks that are winning, and the bold steps they are taking to monetize their ideas. This is all about understanding, dissecting, and peeping into what's working right now - so you don't have to waste your time or money testing everything for yourself.

If you are a thinking girl, there’s good news and bad...

The good news is that this is YOUR time!  We are in the Thinking Economy.  You have everything you need now to easily monetize your mind. Full stop.

The bad news is that strategies are flying fast & furious.  Everyone’s trying to sell you theirs, and many won’t work for you.

If you want to learn the in & outs of various online business strategies - whether you are using those particular strategies or not, keep reading.

If you want some insight to guide your decisions about your own strategies/business, keep reading!

In The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Getting Paid to Think, we’ll talk about different strategies - without being sold to, so you can make your own decisions.  

We’ll talk about trends in our business and glean insights so you can make informed, unbiased decisions and can pick only the ones that are most profitable and enjoyable for you.

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)



…for thinking girls who are looking for thoughtful content, diversity of ideas, and unbiased presentation of ideas and strategies in the online creator space.

 …and because it’s fun to pull back the curtain on secret strategies.  

But, there’s also this thing that happens when you have an insider’s understanding of something.  You suddenly become intuitive about it.  

Ever felt like some people just understand business more intuitively than others?  This is why!

The better you understand the Thinking Economy, the more you can do with it.  The more money you can make in it.

If you appreciated my Trends in Online Coaching, Consulting, and Program Creation series, or my old Friday Four Newsletter, this will remind you of those - minus the promotions.

The focus in TGG will be education, fun, inspiration, exploration, and curiosity.  

If you like observing the big picture, and thinking things through big questions, you’ll like this one.

The Thinking Girl's Guide is for smart, women with big ideas, big hearts, who are determined to do big things, and who love to celebrate and find inspiration in the wins of others.


A periodical that breaks down how smart girls everywhere are monetizing their ideas so you can finally stop guessing about what’s working and what’s not. 

Here's What's In The Thinking Girl's Guide

**The Thinking Girl's Guide is just good business.

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Available In Month ONE:

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What is the Thinking Economy? What came before it and what's on the horizon?

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What is a Thinker in the online business space? What's the opportunity?

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How to analyze any business. We'll see profitable models in all 3 C's in each write-up.

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The 2 kinds of sales pages that are working now & their historical origins.

And, these BONUSES:

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Updated for 2024. This list will get your brain firing and show you that there's always a way!

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How do you know whether THIS is the big one?

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You think all that brilliance comes with no downside? It does, and here's how to keep it from affecting your biz.

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I love to surprise my subscribers with helpful resources & benefits.

Available in Month ONE:

Thinking Girl's Guide Mock-Up Image
Thinking Girl's Guide Bonuses Mockup Image

And then you’ll get new trends, strategies, business models, and case studies to be released every 10 days (M-F).

The Thinking Girl's Guide

is basically a truckload of brain-business goodies, and it's all yours for a super-accessible, founding member price for the first 100 members.

Smart women, just like you, are selling like crazy, establishing themselves as experts, gaining thought-leader status, and building satisfying businesses by converting their thoughts & ideas into lucrative intellectual property.

Let’s talk shop.
No sales pitches, no biased suggestions.

In every drop of The Thinking Girl’s Guide, you’ll get a discussion about a trend, strategy, or phenomenon happening right now in our business.

You might love it, hate it, want to try it, or vow to never try it.  But, you’ll at least understand it.

I’ll do my best to tell you also who I think each idea might be right for and to show you other creators that are good examples of it.

Here’s what you can expect:

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In the first few drops, I’ll dissect the traditional “ideal business” that we’ll use as a gold standard (not as a prescription).  Then we’ll compare each strategy or trend to that to see how it demonstrates the traditional ideals.  Then we’ll spend a couple of issues examining your business.  

Then we’ll jump right into examining these trends and strategies to see how they might help you as you develop and execute your strategy - or, which ones you should avoid at all costs, like don't even let that shiny object enter your brain.

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And, if you know me, you know I love a good worksheet or cheat sheet.  So, I’ll also give you those when I think they’d be helpful - so you can work through the ideas I share in your own business.

And, I love images, charts, and graphs.  So, you can expect some of those, too.

The TGG Investment:

After the first 100 members, the price goes up.  But, for the first 100 subscribers, it’ll be $6/month, for as long as you stay subscribed.


So, you can join at any time, BUT at 100 subscribers, the price goes up.

Here’s what people have said about my previous writings & industry analysis:

"Cori, I do look forward to your emails - a compliment in a swamped inbox. :)"

"I appreciate your creative thinking and forethought about what's going on in the industry."

"I would pay for a newsletter from you."

Here’s what people have said about my previous writings & industry analysis:

The Guarantee:

After 8-9 years in this business, I have never had a single refund request (even when I’ve offered one), and only 2 pieces of hate mail - one in 2016 and one in 2023.

I say that to say that I doubt you’ll be my first refund request, but you can cancel anytime.

If you get one new idea, strategy, or tactic, to improve an existing offer, you’ll have more than paid for a whole year.

But, my aim is to give you a new idea in every issue.

The Inaugural Library for TGG:

The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Getting Paid to Think

We’ll have some fun super-sleuthing on these online business streets. 

It’s $6/month, it’s pretty dope, and you can read more about it below.  

The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Getting Paid to Think

We’ll have some fun super-sleuthing on these online business streets. 

It’s $6/month, it’s pretty dope, and you can read more about it below.  

Hey, I'm Cori!

Yes, I sit around thinking about the practical strategies and business models that people are using.  I love that!  And, I also love a good conversation about who we are as an industry and what longevity here looks like.  

I have a very keen eye for trends & trade-offs before they become trends.  Ask me about how I predicted rose gold would be a thing about 4+ years before it got hot.  I’m talking about jewelry - not websites.  The websites came later.


"One of the things that Cori is outstanding at is helping people identify what their gifts are in that zone of genius and then helping them monetize it, so that they're creating lucrative intellectual property content and not just chasing their own tail around."


(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

How these write-ups will help you.
Are you a...


Perhaps your idea has been trapped inside of you for too long.

Is it time to get that idea out of your head or off of the sheet of paper?

You'll see that it's possible.

Under-Converting Content Creator?

Perhaps, your big idea needs some shifting into its consistent, money-making phase.

And, perhaps, you're not sure how to do that.

You'll see where the industry profits are.

Looking for a Resurrection?

Perhaps, your big idea has gotten stale or stopped growing or converting. Perhaps you are stagnant where you are and your next level is calling.

Are you trying to pour new wine into old wineskins?

You'll see you how to breathe new life into your ideas.

...or, perhaps, you really want to help people, have a burning idea, and are great at creating content. but you still don't fully understand the most lucrative business models.

Or, maybe you're just curious how they're doing it.


(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

Now, you can go jump into 50 programs to learn the 50 or so ideas, strategies, and tactics I’ll cover over the next year.

Or, you can join me in The Thinking Girl’s Guide to Getting Paid to Think.

What Is the Format?

The Thinking Girl's Guide to Getting Paid to Think

Format: Write-ups, Resources

Dive deep into the minds of successful marketers with The Thinking Girl's Guide. Every 10 days (M-F), you'll receive a concise write-up (800-2000 words) that explores an intriguing strategy, framework, or method used in the world of online marketing.

You'll see how successful creators ideate, design, market, and deliver their offers. It's your window into the latest and greatest in the online creator space, perfect for those who love to think big and stay ahead of the curve.

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

You Have Questions.

What is the format?

Thinking Girl's Guide: Write-up discussions of various trends, business models, and frameworks - expect 800-2000, words or so. Released into the portal every 10 days (M-F) with email notifications to you. Occasionally, I may include any worksheets or other resources that I think will help you think through the topics in your own business.

Your library will continue to grow as long as you are a subscriber.

Why should I do this?

I can't answer that. But, I can say that, in TGG, you will develop a broad understanding of the online creator economy and how you fit into it. I can say that it will get you thinking about what works for you and what doesn't. You also likely will find some inspiration in the stories and strategies.

What's included again?

Great question! You can review the features again right HERE.

What is the investment for the Sister Offers?

Right now, TGG is just $6/month.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this offer, there is no refund. However, you may cancel at any time.

Please keep in mind that, if you cancel and then decide to rejoin, you will do so at the then-current rate and your bonuses and content library may look different.

What topics will you cover?

Marketing (including email marketing), sales, copywriting, operations, organization & productivity, entrepreneurial mindset, money, content development, the numbers, and others.

And, periodically, you will receive a survey about what you want to see more of.

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

How is TGG different from Cori's old Friday Four Newsletter?

Aww, thanks for remembering the Friday Four, which I wrote for much of the last  7-8 years.  The Friday Four was the predecessor to my current free weekly newsletter, which is now re-imagined as a round-up and announcements-style newsletter designed to keep my Community aware of time-sensitive events and opportunities from me and other creators - both free & paid.

T.G.G. Is not similar to my current newsletter.  But, if you liked some of the thought pieces that appeared in the Friday Four, then you’ll like TGG, which will be deeper and won’t have the sales, launches, and promos.  I also may introduce curated resources when they make sense.

These insights may also remind you of my Trends in Online Coaching, Consulting, and Program Creation series, if you remember that - but, with deeper dives and more complete analysis.

I'm in _____ industry, will this help me?

Yes, the fundamental principles of business are the same across all industries because humans are the same across all industries. I will show you how smart women are doing big things in multiple industries.

I'm at _____ level in my business, will this help me?

I have designed this to add value for people at all levels. Also, please keep in mind that most of us are advanced in some areas, and still have several areas where we are not yet where we'd like to be.

Many business models can be modified for where you are. Even the ones that aren't on your specific level currently will provide context, options, and inspiration for you.

How do I know whether I’m a “thinking girl?

Well, you're thinking about this right now.

If you are this far down the page, you are.

If you have an idea that the world needs to know about, you are.

If you have figured out something that others haven't you are.

If you are a studier, a questioner, or a helper, you are.

**Thinkers are the idea people. You can find them in teaching, coaching, writing, speaking, consulting, course creation, think tanks, professorships, legal practices, therapy practices,  podcasting, blogging, ministry, and any of the professions where people generate and share thoughts and ideas that change lives and change the world.

What are those traps that thinkers should avoid?

Over-thinking, ideation, analysis-paralysis, research sabbaticals, over-broadness, hyper-fixation, emotional detachment, unrelatability.

I did a whole research project on this as I was designing these offers. These write-ups are designed for you (a) to see these ideas in action.

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

Who’s Cori again?

Honestly, I'm just a fellow traveler committed to helping my people help their people. I have been a business consultant, coach, and creator for many years both on and offline. I have seen the behind-the-scenes of dozens, if not hundreds, of businesses. I know what makes them work and where owners struggle. I have converted that knowledge into actionable steps for you.

Is there an ongoing fee?

Yes, TGG is a monthly subscription. As long as you are a paying member, you will have access to what I create for your chosen program at the price offered when you signed up. You may cancel at any time.

Your library of tools, resources, and videos will continue to grow each month.

What is your ChatGPT & PLR Policy?

Each piece of content in these offers is based on the personal observations, research, and analysis by Cori who has 9 years of online business and creator experience, and several years of personal entrepreneurship and business consulting before venturing online. I also am the writer of my written content.

*However, I do reserve the right to supplement my teachings with any tools or templates I choose, including research, writing, brainstorming, and art creation.

How long are the write-ups??

Most of the current write-ups are 800-2,000 words, some may include a worksheet or curated resources. It just depends.

I also reserve the right to add or subtract from the pieces as I see fit to improve or streamline them as needed, based on user feedback.

As for how long it takes you to consume and implement them, that is up to you. But, asking questions when you get stuck, filling out surveys about new topics, and giving feedback when asked is a great way to get exactly what you want in ways that you can best use it.

Can men join?

Yes, of course. Everyone is welcome - but, only if you enjoy being in spaces where smart women are winning in life & business, and being celebrated for it.

If that's you, then welcome!

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)