Business School for Christian entrepreneurs with big ideas.

You don't have to choose between real business training & timeless biblical principles.

(or, annual to get TGG, too)

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

Fruitful Scrolling Inside the Membership Portal  GIF

Annual subscribers get The Thinking Girl's Guide to Getting Paid to Think as a bonus!

Fruitful Summer is starting now.

Join Fruitful Summer: Foundations Sprint and let's solidify your business foundations to get you ready for maximum visibility & sales!

Fruitful Summer Logo Image

Eight (8) live, weekly sessions with: Coaching, Q&A, Masterminding, Goal-setting, & Accountability

ATTENTION: Coaches, course creators, writers, consultants, entrepreneurs...

May I help you bring your BIG idea(s) to the marketplace and audience of your choosing? We are in an economy that values ideas that are helpful, action-oriented, and creative.

In Fruitful Business School (FBS), you will have at your fingertips the tools to actually grow your own business and put into action a customized profit plan for yourself. This is all about clarity and action! This is all about watching your business hit milestone after milestone! **I draw on biblical support for various business concepts in FBS.

We'll cover the entire spectrum of building an idea-based business, from ideation to implementation.

FBS allows you to dive deeper into specific areas that align with your unique message, your business goals, and your faith.

If you have a big idea, there’s good news and bad...

The good news is that this is YOUR time!  We are in the Thinking Economy.  You have everything you need now to easily monetize your mind. Full stop.

The bad news is that strategies are flying fast & furious.  Everyone’s trying to sell you theirs, and many won’t work for you. Plus, did you know that there's no concept in the Bible of copying? You can't do the big things that God has for YOU to do by copying your favorite guru's method.

So, let's figure out how YOU should be doing it.

Annual subscribers get The Thinking Girl's Guide to Getting Paid to Think as a bonus!

Fruitful Business School is an action-oriented, solutions-focused business growth & implementation membership for the entrepreneur of faith who wants to build her businesses around a big idea, pair her faith with her business, and monetize her gifts in the marketplaces of her choosing.

This is for you if you feel called to build a business around a big idea as your contribution to the Kingdom.

This is a Christian business learning environment where you'll grow your business according to real business principles & methods and timeless biblical tenets.   You get both!

In FBS, you don’t have to choose.

Project-by-project, FBS combines biblical tenants with rigorous business training that is actionable, efficient, strategic, and growth-oriented to help you reignite your results in one of the three critical areas of entrepreneurship.

I’m going to walk you through all of the actual things you need and want to do in your big-idea-based business.

The Fruitful Business School Recipe:

  • Part Wisdom
  • Part Strategy
  • Part How-To
  • Part Inspiration
  • ALL Action

What Is Your Big Idea?

You may think that you don't have a big idea - you just want to teach what you know, or just coach. You already know your unique approach & your method.

Your big ideas, in part, is the thing you've uniquely figured out and want to share with others who haven't yet figured it out. It's the thing you want to shout from the rooftops.

That's the first step in finding your big idea!

There's the kernel of a big idea in that thing. Add to that a big reason why and your values in that field, or a unique how - and that's it.

It’s your big message, method, framework, process, worldview, etc. that you teach and use to inspire others towards their dreams and goals.










For example, consider these three otherwise identical 3 business consultants and their big ideas:

  • Coach A: Business should be big, if you aren't growing, you're dying
  • Coach B: Business should be calm. Who wants the stress?
  • Coach C: Business should be intimate. Close relationships are most sustainable.

Do you hear a set of values in each?

A likely set of strategies?

A likely product offering?

A potential customer?

There is somebody looking for each of these coaches!

Every business in every field has a big idea baked in to it. Consider these:

  • Beauty salons should focus on: health ...creativity ...convenience.
  • Fitness should be: ...easy ...done at home ...a group endeavor ...second to wealth-accumulation.

There is somebody looking for each of these creators, too!

God could’ve given your big idea to anyone. 

He didn’t, He gave it to you.

And, what you do with it is up to you.

Three of my core values in life & business are at the root of how I build my offers:

(1) Honor your God-given gifts and temperament

(2) Play by your own rules, and

(3) Find your big idea.

That means:

I will support you in doing the thing God created YOU to do and doing it in a way that works for YOU!

I will never tell you to do exactly what I do.
Instead, I will help you to discover and do what's right for you.

So, that means:

I will give you the tools, guides, access to me for questions, and challenges to keep you moving forward - all in FBS.

The FBS Approach to Christian Business

Many people read the Bible and hear parables and rules, I hear business lessons about marketing, finance, operations, etc. -  and invitations to be great!  This is where I started my online business way back in 2015.  

Buutttt, my one gripe with how Christian business training usually shows up is that it can feel very fluffy, stopping at “Do unto others…” and the parable of the talents.  Well, not here! 

I love to combine rigorous business training (I do have an Ivy League MBA and many years of business experience) with scripturally sound biblical concepts.

If you want the tools and tactics to build a business around the message, method, or idea that God has given you, then I’d love to have you in Fruitful Business School.

We won't get stuck in theory, the focus here will be education, application, and movement.

If you have enjoyed my other topical courses and workbooks, this will remind you of those.

You'll love FBS because...

You probably haven't seen a Christian business school that focuses on real business - versus just ethics, faith, or finding your purpose. I created FBS to be broad, comprehensive, and effective.

I want to help entrepreneurs of faith to grow their businesses and finally put on their crowns.

You need FBS because...

In a world of chaos, connection with faith is critical.

But, what I really want is for you to be excited about your idea and the potential that it has to really change the world.

Real business training is important because people only see the Bible as a book of faith, which it is. And, it's also so much more! We need marketing, operations, sales, content creation, and more. The Bible has it!

Connecting with God in your business can change your life. It can change your work. it can change the Kingdom.

Fruitful Business School is a business school!

FBS might change everything because...

There's a world where God Girls get to win. Part of me wants to belabor that point about putting on your crown and winning. 👑.

Christian girls aren't really taught to prosper in business.

That's why we love the Proverbs 31 Woman. She's the only role model most people see for us. Although she wasn't even real, there's a lot we can learn from her. Yet, there's so much more.

In fact, despite all of the successful business people in the Bible, male and female, we often are taught only to relate to their flaws, foibles, and weaknesses.

What if we learned to relate to their business savvy, money mindset, or business practices?

Here’s what people have said about my work in faith + business:

"She's fabulous. I'm loving this girl. After many run-ins with God, she has turned her attention to helping entrepreneurs find the peace and success that God promises each of us."

"Just to help you guys know Cori, she has been doing some amazing work to share her gifts with the world and help people in business."

"She partners with Christian entrepreneurs and their companies to build custom business models. This isn't ordinary. She's really working in both the spiritual and the business plane and bringing them together."

Here’s what people have said about my work in faith + business:

The 3 Main Entrepreneurial Functions

I designed FBS to support you wherever you need to grow as an owner. There is no formula. What you will get are the tools to take action in the specific areas that you need.

There are three main functions of an entrepreneur or small business owner:  

Many business writers have coined and fashioned these three roles. The FBS 3C's framework is based in scripture and reserves for God was is His and requires of us what is ours. The 3C's Framework is designed for big-idea-based businesses and online marketers.

The Conceptualizer:

This is the role you play when you are being creative and envisioning what’s possible. This is your heart. This is you when you are coming up with the vision, the new ideas, new offers, or new ways to improve your offers to help your community.

The Conductor:

This is the internal-facing (or, company-facing) role you play when you are organizing your business and delivering your transformation to your people. This is you when you are developing and following your policies & procedures, or analyzing your numbers.

The Capitalizer:

This is the external-facing (or, market-facing) role you play when you are converting your ideas to cash. This is you when you are selling and making offers. It reflects your willingness, and ability sell & market.

Most of us are over-weighted in one of these, proficient in a second, and weak in the 3rd:

The Trinity: the 3Cs Framework Image

Fruitful Business School allows you to create your own recipe to grow exactly where you need to grow the most in these three areas.

FBS will help you assess where you need help and will provide it in a customized way.

In Fruitful Business School, you get to select the projects that support your area of greatest need. One project, one goal, one mission at a time - in the order that makes sense for your business.

in FBS, you'll also find comfort in the biblical support for this 3C's Framework.

You don't have to choose!

This might be my mantra for the year. you don't have to choose! Project-by-project, you can have clients, customers, clarity, strategy, in a well-oiled, revenue-bearing business, built around your big idea.

Fruitful Business School is for the God Girls who are smart, educated, building something, know they are loved & called, and are ready.

Here's What's In Fruitful Business School

**Fruitful Business School includes some faith-based content & biblical references - and is just good business.

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Available Each Month:

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Every month will see 1-3x new projects & action plans released. You will be choose which projects are right for you each month.

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Each project starts with a curriculum and other written materials, like case studies, charts, graphs, etc.

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You have the option to print these to help you work through and make you rplan.

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You will be provided with templates, scripts, calculators, checklists, cheat sheets, and whatever will help you execute.

And, these LIVE components:


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Live Monthly Open Office Hours. Come join me in Zoom whenever you want - no presentation, no appointment, no pressure.

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This is the year of taking action. Let's do it together!

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I will ask you all for the topics and you can join, participate, and then take action!

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Measure twice & cut once? Sharpen the axe? Failing to plan means planning to fail? Not you.

FBS Course Mock-Up Image
FBS Course - Quarterly Events Mockup Image

Then you'll get new projects and workbooks every month so you can choose which areas of your business to focus on next.

Hey, I'm Cori!

Yes, I sit around thinking about the practical strategies and business models that people are using.  I love that!  And, I also love a good conversation about who we are as an industry and what longevity here looks like.  

I have a very keen eye for trends & trade-offs before they become trends.  Ask me about how I predicted rose gold would be a thing about 4+ years before it got hot.  I’m talking about jewelry - not websites.  The websites came later.


"One of the things that Cori is outstanding at is helping people identify what their gifts are in that zone of genius and then helping them monetize it, so that they're creating lucrative intellectual property content and not just chasing their own tail around."

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

The focus in FBS will be taking action, actionable tool kits, implementation, crossing stuff off your list, and getting a little better every month.

The FBS Investment:

For all of the lessons, workbooks, videos, live Office Hours, quarterly challenges, planning sessions, workshops, and other surprises, the investment is:



(annual includes:
The Thinking Girl's Guide)

(no refunds, but cancel anytime)

What Is the Format?

Fruitful Business School

Format: Write-ups, Workbooks, Challenges, Live Office Hours, Workshops, Planning Sessions.

Turn insight into action with Fruitful Business School. Most lessons come with a write-up accompanied by a practical workbook (4-10 pages) designed to help you implement specific elements in your business.

Whether it's crafting your website's About Page, surveying your audience, designing a product or launch, revamping your email newsletter, or defining your brand message, FBS provides step-by-step guidance to ensure you're not just learning, but doing. It's the hands-on approach you need to make tangible progress in your big-idea-based business.

Is this you?


Perhaps your idea has been trapped inside of you for too long.

Is it time to get that idea out of your head or off of the sheet of paper?

Under-Converting Content Creator?

Perhaps, your big idea needs some shifting into its consistent, money-making phase.

And, perhaps, you're not sure how to do that.

Looking for a Resurrection?

Perhaps, your big idea has gotten stale or stopped growing or converting. Perhaps you are stagnant where you are and your next level is calling.

Are you trying to pour new wine into old wineskins? 

Or, perhaps, you aren't finding fulfillment as long as you are keeping your business and your faith separate.

The Inaugural Library for FBS:

You Have Questions.

What is the format?

Fruitful Business School: You will get everything you need to take action on the projects: Lesson write-ups, PDF workbooks, tools, templates, scripts, calculators, some video in certain lessons, monthly Open Office Hours, live quarterly planning sessions, and quarterly live on-topic trainings (replays available). **Annual subscription includes TGG right now.

I also will curate content for you from other creators that I think will be helpful to you.

Your library will continue to grow as long as you are a subscriber.

Why should I do this?

In FBS, you will be able to implement changes and growth in your business one project at a time - based on your unique needs. You will have plenty of opportunities to select projects based on whether you need to shore up your business in the Conceptualizer (creation), Conductor (organization), or Capitalizer (sales) spheres.

What's Included again?

Great question! You can review what's included again right HERE and HERE.

**For Annual Members Only: TGG is included.

What are Open Office Hours?

I used to be a professor and came to love Open Office Hours, and so did my students. In my courses & coaching business, I use two kinds of Office Hours and they are incredibly helpful - especially for this super-affordable investment.

In one, I just schedule a time where I will be hanging out on Zoom for, say, 3-6 hours, and students can just pop in whenever they want. If there is nobody else there, you get 1:1. If others are there, everyone gets to listen and ask questions. No appointments, no presentation, no pressure.

The second is Email Office Hours, where I just announce that, for some 12 hour period, I'll be available by email for any questions. Then we can chat via email.

What is the investment for Fruitful Business School?

FBS is just $25/month right now, or $250/year. You will maintain access to this price for as long as you are a member.

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of this offer, there is no refund. However, you may cancel at any time. Please keep in mind that, if you cancel and then decide to rejoin, you will do so at the then-current rate and your bonuses and content library may look different.

What topics will you cover?

Marketing (including email marketing), sales, copywriting, operations, organization & productivity, entrepreneurial mindset, money, content development, the numbers, and others.

Fruitful Business School will include supplemental Christian Business training.

And, periodically, you will receive a survey about what you want to see more of.

Is this actionable? Practical? Implementable?

Yes! My goal in FBS is for you to consume the lesson, then print any workbooks or worksheets and go to your favorite coffee shop to lay out your plan and execute. Imagine executing on even one important task or project in your business each month. Coupled with the live Open Office Hours, you will be an implementing queen.

For facilitated implementation and access to me with questions, you should choose Fruitful Business school.

What is The thinking Girl's Guide that Annual Members get?

The Thinking Girl's Guide is a series of deep dives into the business models that thinking women are using to sell their big ideas. Approximately every 10 weekdays, you'll get a new write-up that examines some phenomenon in the Thinking Economy.

If you've been around for a while and have liked some of the thought pieces that appeared in my old Friday Four newsletter, then you’ll like TGG, which will be deeper and won’t have the sales, launches, and promos.  I also may introduce curated resources when they make sense.

These insights may also remind you of my Trends in Online Coaching, Consulting, and Program Creation series, if you remember that - but, with deeper dives and more complete analysis.

I'm in _____ industry, will this work for me?

Yes, the fundamental principles of business are the same across all industries because humans are the same across all industries.

In FBS, you also will have access to Open Office Hours to get your specific questions answered. I love thinking through how to implement things in different settings and industries.

Is this program at my level?

I have designed this to add value for people at all levels. Also, please keep in mind that most of us are advanced in some areas, and still have several areas where we are not yet where we'd like to be.

If you are just beginning and have a lower budget, the access point is very accessible. You can get in and launch various projects in your business at the DIY pace that suits you. You'll start with projects involving the basics, what I call your fundamentals.

If you are an intermediate, you likely have the systems in place to move a little faster. For you, the project may be about upleveling and revamping. You'll audit what you have and fill in any holes.

If you are advanced, you may be able to move quickly thorough the projects, revamp, launch quickly, and get fast results. You may want some guidance or coaching and, therefore, will find the Open Office Hours extremely valuable. You also may find this is a great opportunity to implement some extra "would be nice" type projects.

I need specific help with _____. Is this that?

Might be! Come to Open Office Hours to chat through how to implement for your unique case.

Who’s Cori again?

Honestly, I'm just a fellow traveler committed to helping my people help their people. I have been a business consultant, coach, and creator for many years both on and offline. I have seen the behind-the-scenes of dozens, if not hundreds, of businesses. I know what makes them work and where owners struggle. I have converted that knowledge into actionable steps for you.

One of my superpowers is helping people identify their unique gifts and what that means for the design of their businesses.

Is there an ongoing fee?

FBS is a full membership, with both monthly and annual options. As long as you are a paying member, you will have access to what I create for your chosen program at the price offered when you signed up.

Your library of tools, resources, and videos will continue to grow each month.

What is your ChatGPT & PLR Policy?

Each piece of content in these offers is based on personal observations, research, and analysis by Cori who has 8-9 years of online business and creator experience, and several years of personal entrepreneurship and business consulting before venturing online. I also am the writer of my written content.

*However, I do reserve the right to supplement my teachings with any tools or templates I choose, including research, writing, brainstorming, and art creation.

What other ways are there to work with Cori right now?

Right now, I have two open offers: Fruitful Business School & The Thinking Girl's Guide. I also offer 1:1 email coaching. You can email me for private email coaching.

Several of my existing offers are being folded into Fruitful Business School.

Can men join?

Yes, of course. Everyone is welcome - but, only if you enjoy being in spaces where smart women are winning in life & business, and being celebrated for it.

If that's you, then welcome!

Can non-Christians join?

Yes, everyone is welcome. I won't try to convert you or proselytize, nor will I allow anyone else to do that. If you are open to hearing the name Jesus and the name God in your business trainings, you are welcome. In fact, some of my longest customers and students are not Christian.

If Christian content would bother you, stick with The Thinking Girl's Guide.